Tuesday, January 31, 2012

When Days Are Glorious

Though the surrounding area was not that nice (kind of an industrial type feel).  You still have to admit that the sunshine was glorious.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


It has been too long since I have been on this blog. Kind of a shame.

However, I will start by shring some news with you: I have my window open on December 15th at 3:39am.  It feels great out there.

Just gotta love unpredictable Chicago weather.


Friday, December 24, 2010

Ivo's Knocked This Gyros Sandwich Out of the Park!

It is Christmas Eve and I'm thinking about writing a Yelp review about a gyros sandwich I enjoyed on Thursday. Mmmm...  Yes.  I was inspired. 

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Zig Zappin' Around!

I ventured out onto the streets of a semi-icy Chicago recently and headed to my favorite Starbucks Coffee on Lake and LaSalle in downtown Chicago.  I was lucky enough to get one of the last pumpkin spice scones in the case and man... it was something great.

I met with a friend who has a really great appreciation for the efforts of small business owners and has set up a resource rich web site at www.gabearnold.com.  He also has a great Facebook page here.  His name is Gabe Arnold and he has a genuine interest in helping others to get the most out of their efforts.  I have worked with him on a few projects before and I can say that anybody interested in utilizing his services can do no wrong. 

Gabe Arnold - To Your Success!

Gabe is also a voracious music fan and my first introduction to his musical tastes came via late night Twitter sessions where I stumbled across his posts from his various music-related sites.  Such a pleasure to see someone with good taste second only to yours truly!  *-)  I love variety and I can tell Gabe does as well.

Visions of the Dinner Club

So, a few years back, I had this idea of starting a "Dinner Club" that would include various friends, a restaurant of a different type of cuisine each time we ventured out, much conversation and a few pics of the food on the table.  The idea was to combine the mutual interests of photography, food, socializing and Chicago all in one fell swoop.  Unfortunately, due to a very crazy personal life, I was not able to get the idea off the ground at the time.

Now, with 2011 breathing down our necks, I look forward to getting the idea going once again.  Now with the advent of the flip cams and such, we can really document the the proceedings and you know I am going to do my best on that end.  My mobile gallery on Facebook features food prominently and my friends come to expect nothing less than full coverage in this area.  So, get ready.  You may be one of those people invited to come on board and join in all the fun.

- Bernardo

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Life In Chicago...

Yes.  Even during the winter you can still manage to have a pretty fulfilling life in Chicago.  I am going to see if I can discipline myself here and keep this blog going. 


- iamb